Which Country Should You Move to for Online Poker?

"Where should I move for online poker?" Inquiring minds want to know, and chances are you are one of them. Where to move for online poker is probably the question we receive the most here at Poker Refugees. When you have questions, we have answers, so let's get to it!

Where to go for online poker? There are 2 main elements to answering this question:

1) The various online poker destinations available (all have their pros and cons)

2) You! - Who you are and what you want

Since we've already covered some of the possible destinations in detail, which you can read about here: The Best Countries to Play Online Poker From (developed countries), Best developing countries to play from (3rd world places) and here: The Worst Countries to Play Online Poker From - let's focus on #2, that being you.

Here are the main things to evaluate when deciding where to move or travel to:

If you are from the Middle East, Russia, Latin America, Indonesia or another area which typically requires a visa in addition to a passport in order to enter, then you may be further affected by restrictions. For example, US citizens can enter Costa Rica for 90 days then re-enter the next day, while Russian citizens can enter for only 30 days then re-apply for another visa. 
Poker Players hanging out on a beach in Mexico
Are fish tacos and cerveza part of your plan?
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Have you asked yourself all these questions and now ready to make the move? Contact Poker Refugees for help with all the details and logistics. We got this!

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